Map Tip #1: The Basics

Crucial Files/Non-Crucial Files (What makes a map)


I thought it might be best to start with a little theory, mostly for the beginning map maker, but also a refresher course for the intermediates. There is some information towards the end that may interest the more advanced, pertaining to translations from color to height, so scroll down if you understand how the files work.

A Battlezone level is composed of several files, several of which are crucial, the others being optional. Using a map, hidelove (available on the maps page) as an example, the file types (denoted by their extension on the left, and what they are on the right) are:

Crucial Files

These must be distributed with your map.
hidelove.TRN .TRN files contain all of the World Definition information for your map, in a text file (editable with Notepad). Figuring out how to edit** things in here like fog and visibility settings can enhance your map greatly. See the Battlezone Editing documentation for more details (Zip Archive, with Word Document and example files. Make sure you download this, since the documentation is updated).
hidelove.HGT .HGT files contain the Height inforamtion of each triangle that makes up the mesh which, when textured, looks like the ground. HGT files are binary files, and editing them by had would be extremely tedious, so use either the polygon in the BZone /edit mode, or use techniques described on this site).
hidelove.BZN .BZN files contain all of the object placement, like scrap, buildings, powerups and vehicles. This file is a binary file, so use either the Object editor (ctrl-A) in /edit mode, or use the very excellent Bzn Editor. BZNEdit is also useful for counting scrap and geysers when you're done your map, or counting scrap when your map crashes because you put more than 476 pieces of scrap in your map.
hidelove.MAT I believe that the .MAT files contain an array which assigns a texture to each triangle on the ground mesh; essentially it's the file that keeps all of your ground textures. I could be wrong, but I don't think that I am. (But if someone has info to the contrary, feel free to pass it on). Edit your textures in the BZone /edit mode. There is no other editor currently available.

Non-Crucial Files*

You should include these too. Check out a great tutorial on how to package maps, courtesy of King Kobra.

The .BMP file is the small preview map you see when you're selecting a map for multiplayer. It's a small bitmap file generated by you by typing:
bzone.exe hidelove.bzn /shellmap
[don't forget to substitute your map name for hidelove] It will be saved in your Battlezone directory and you have to move it to the addon directory yourself.

hidelove.DES This is the file which hold the description of your map when you are choosing maps in multiplayer. Go into the Battlezone\addon directory and open any .DES file with Notepad, and I think you'll pick up what to put in a .DES file very quickly.**
hidelove.MAD .MAD files are used by Map Adder to add your map to a players Netmis.txt file, which allows them to choose your map in multiplayer. Again, check out King Kobra's tutorial on Map Packaging for more info.
hidelove.LGT .LGT files have something to do with lighting in your map. Essentially, you throw them away everytime you make changes to your map, and BZone.exe will make a new one if one's not present, so you probably don't have to distribute this file with your maps. I throw them away almost reflexively when I'm making maps.

* but nice to distribute with your map...

**Tip: Associate .TRN, .DES, and .MAD files with Notepad, by selecting View:Options in the Windows Explorer window, click on the File Types tab, select one of the above file types and hit the Edit button. There will be a list of actions in the bottom. Double click on open and change the application to Notepad. This will really improve your life working with Battlezone Maps.