Originally, this was planned as the "Top Ten Reasons it's Good to be in the CCA" page, because we are very proud to serve in the glorious CCA. However, we have comrades all over the internet and we have decided to incorporate a links page herefore the benefit of all who live and fight in the Battlezone.

Sometimes, there will not be quite 10 links, sometimes there will be more. Reality is like this comrades: Take according to your need, and give according to your ability. Mother Russia can ask for no more and no less.

Ah, the joy of the hunt!


Top Ten Reasons why it's good to be in the CCA

Top Ten Battlezone Map Making Tutorials

Top Ten Battlezone Sites








Top Ten Reasons why it's Good to be in the CCA

The NDSF names their Light Tank after an atmospheric phenomenon. The CCA names ours after vodka.
CCA Turret Pilots have 'tude from here to Uranus.
Our beloved Comrades at the Kremlin think that the "Space KGB" would be a waste of the People's Resources.
Breadlines much shorter on Mars.
There's chicks in our Scavengers (see #1).
Dark red CCA space suits better camoflage than say, foil.
Each CCA craft has it's own self-contained hydroponic potato farm.
Comrade Khrushchev never said anything as embarrassing as that "I am a donut" thing.
The Bolshoi Ballet is a distant memory.
The NDSF only allows men to serve in their space forces, and the journey to Jupiter is long and cold, if you catch my meaning.










Top Ten Battlezone Map Making Tutorials

King Kobra, who was the first of our comrades to contact us, has an excellent tutorial on packaging completed maps. He also maintains a very useful list of entity codes for respawning objects, buildings and other things you may wish to put in your Battlezone maps.
The Battlezone Hanger. Excellent advanced map making tutorials and also maps (including Capture the Relic maps) and utilities are available for download.
Slight Scrap Pages. Excellent information on Scrap.
The Battlezone Cartographer's Guild are responsible for making several very fine map making utilities including Map Adder and Map Renamer (both are crucial to have and available on their downloads page, along with links to every other useful utility). They also have decent information for new map makers.

More to come!













Top Ten Battlezone Sites


CCA HQ! I do not think I need to say more, but I will. Of course, this page has good soviet design, excellent tactical information for budding CCA troops, and the wise motto "Losing is not an option." We are proud to join arms and sing the Internationale with our comrades!

Ready to move!

Shenazzy maintains two sites: BZ Maps Unlimited, a good resource for downloading maps, and Shenlerz List, which is a links page of Battlezone and other kinds of links.

More to come!
