October 04, 2002
Back on the stream gang

Hey, I recently got into streaming radio again (like this afternoon recently)... mostly to hear German Pop Radio.

What's irritating is again the 3 competing formats, mp3, windowsmedia and real media (vomit). I hate real player, and I hate microsoft, so I try for the mp3 stuff where I can.

Today I'm listening to Brainstorm-Radio, which Chris has graciously informed me is eurotrash techno. The djs are funny, tho. I also took a listen to Frozen Radio (NEU-IM-NETZ!!!, lol) which really is thumping bumping techno. THUMP THUMP THUMP ka-THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP ka-THUMP. Also amusing was HappyRadio - hits von damals und Heute! (hits from yesterday and today, basically).

Independent-Radio.com has a few different broadcasts, all comprised of only "music free of GEMA restrictions" (my translation...I think that's what they mean). I recommend the rap stream.

If you have a mac, iTunes should handle all the abouve streams. On a PC I think you need WinAmp, but WiMP (windows media player) might be able to handle it.

I love this stuff. Thank god for Audio Hijack.

Posted by illovich at October 04, 2002 02:58 PM

Posted by: Zfvhhittem on September 25, 2007 6:42 PM

Posted by: Wtdvozf on September 26, 2007 12:17 AM

Posted by: Ssdaoxiu on October 3, 2007 5:54 AM

Posted by: Suzixfy on October 3, 2007 11:04 AM
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