February 20, 2003
newsflash for mr. homelandsecurity.com

This tip comes to you care of Ready.gov--your guide to surviving a terrorist attack:

Time: Minimize time spent exposed [to a nuclear blast and resulting fallout] will also reduce your risk.

My risk of what? Being a pile of radioactive ash? Newsflash for Herr Kapitan, mein Kapitan: Being exposed to a fucking nuclear blast is generally fatal in less than a second.

Also good to know:

Consider if you can get out of the area;
If I read that infographic correctly. my handy-dandy you-are-here point places me down the fucking street from the nuclear blast. I wonder if these guys have ever seen the training films of nuclear bombs going off... I mean, jeezuz chreezuz. This is my govenrment's advice? A nuclear bomb goes off down the street and I should "Consider if I can get out of the area?"

Did I wake up in a cartoon?

Posted by illovich at February 20, 2003 05:23 PM

Hi I am doing a class project and I wanted to know how much does a homeland security officer make a year?
Thank you.
Monica M

Posted by: monica m on April 22, 2003 8:47 PM

I wanted to know if you can help me out with some information on how homeland security affected society as a whole nation.

Posted by: John P. Trimble on March 18, 2004 10:12 PM

I am interested in all job posting for Homeland Security, please email me the website or job hot line or how I could get the job listing for homeland security.

Thank you
Carol Chase

Posted by: carol chase on April 11, 2006 11:22 AM

I am interested in all job posting for Homeland Security, please email me the website or job hot line or how I could get the job listing for homeland security.

Thank you
Carol Chase

Posted by: carol chase on April 11, 2006 11:23 AM
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