February 25, 2003
a list apart

A List Apart seems to be a nice place, their sentiments against bloggers

Posted by illovich at February 25, 2003 03:42 PM

finger printing and photos of people coming into the US is a wonderfull idea, i support it fully.Mrs. Judy Dallas 1/5/04

Posted by: judy dallas on January 5, 2004 8:42 PM

"finger printing and photos of people coming into the US is a wonderfull idea, i support it fully."

I'd need to see the whole proposal, but in general I'm not against it either. Fingerprints are useful to have, and keeping records of foreign nationals entering your country certainly isn't a bad idea.


What does that have to do with A List Apart though? They're just web designers.

Posted by: illovich on January 6, 2004 4:04 PM
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