Yoshi: June 2008 Archives

We've Moved!!

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It's time to update your links and bookmarks!

At long last, we've finally got Yoshi & Tsuki's website redesigned and working properly!

If you're still using the old URL (http://www.illovich.com/yoshi), please update your bookmarks and links. This site will still continue to work, at least until it's redirected, but it won't be updated with any new entries.

Any of the following URLs will take you to the new site:




We'll eventually figure out how to redirect the old site, but, for the moment, you'll need to use one of the above URLs.

Hope to see you all at the new site!


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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Yoshi category from June 2008.

Yoshi: March 2008 is the previous archive.

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.