Yoshi: February 2008 Archives

Honorable Chairman Yoshi
A vote for Yoshi is a vote for delicious treats! Click here to vote!

Okay, dog comrades, I need your help.

If you've been a long-time reader, you know that I've been quietly flying under the human radar and implementing my plans for world domination. Well, the next phase of my plan has begun. I've decided that we need to tackle both print and on-line medias and, with your help, my subliminal messages give your dog lots of delicious treats could reach millions of homes.

The best part of my plan, is that the message will come from a very unlikely place; a VACUUM CLEANER BOX! This could be bigger than the Trojan Horse, dog comrades! Subliminal messages from a dog, hiding on a vacuum cleaner box!? The humans won't suspect a thing. Genius, I know!

But, the plan will fail without your help, comrades. I need you to click the red link below, to cast your vote for delicious treats and world domination me! And, if you really want to cast a decisive blow to humanity's control over the world treat supply, ask your friends to vote, too!

Onward to victory, comrades! Click here to vote!

With humble thanks,

Chairman Yoshi

Did someone say breakdance?

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Apparently, it's Willie and Desi that have been teaching the dogs how to bust a move.

[Edit: I've noticed that sometimes, when you hit play, you can hear the music, but not see the movie. If you refresh your browser, that may fix it. If not, clearing your cache and refreshing should do it.]

にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 柴犬へ
Click to vote for the b-boys and b-girl!

ランキングに参加中です。 どうもありがとうございます!


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This page is a archive of entries in the Yoshi category from February 2008.

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