Yoshi and Tsuki: September 2006 Archives

First, Mom tried to steal my Frisbee!

Then, Dani tried to steal my Frisbee!

And then, Popi AND Dani tried to steal my Frisbee!

Meanwhile, instead of helping me in the epic battle to secure possession of the Frisbee, Tsuki was more concerned with keeping the squirrels up in the trees.

New Toys

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Today we got new Frisbees!

Old Toys

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The toys at grandma and grandpa's house left something to be desired.

The Day's Top Portraits

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The Future's So Bright...

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Is it me, or does Yoshi look like he's auditioning for the part of Ray Charles?


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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Yoshi and Tsuki category from September 2006.

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Yoshi and Tsuki: October 2006 is the next archive.

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