If you like shiba blogs, boy, have I got something to share with you.
I was looking at one of my absolute favorite shiba blogs, which belongs to Hikari & Strawberry, and noticed a little button that they had on their site. The button allowed you to vote for their blog, and, since I LOVE their blog, I clicked it. To my surprise, it took me to the most enormous collection of shiba blogs known to mankind (or dogkind)! One-hundred and eighty-three (183) shiba blogs, to be exact!
And, after much struggling with the Japanese registration system, Yoshi & Tsuki's blog is now listed on the site. Currently, they are at #144 in the ranking, but that seems to change pretty frequently.
Even though the site and blogs are in Japanese, I've found that you can get by pretty well using Google Language Tools.
So, if you enjoy following Yoshi & Tsuki's adventures, please take a second to click the button below and vote for their blog.

Thanks for voting!ランキングに参加中です。