Author (#3)January 2008 Archives

We feel soooooo bad. We got these pictures from our friends twins, Yuushi and Kasaki, way back in August, and it's taken us mom way too long to post them! When we last wrote to them, Yuushi and Kasaki were planning to move to another country, so we hope they'll still be able to see their pictures...

First, we have beautiful Kasaki. Kasaki means "queen." Doesn't she look just like Tsuki?

Then, we have Yuushi, which means "brave warrior." He kind of looks a little like both me and Tsuki, don't you think?

Kasaki turned 2 in September! The Tsuki resemblance is a little freaky here!

Yuushi turned 3 in November!

Even though Kasaki is younger, she is Yuushi's great aunt. Kasaki's father is Yuushi's great grandfather!

Hope you enjoyed meeting our globe-trotting twins!

Happy holidays, everydog! We've noticed by your blogs, that some of you got your Christmas presents really early this year. Mom told us that Dog Christmas falls on January 13th this year (today!), so we can't figure out why some dogs got their presents so early...

I guess it doesn't really matter, because today is Dog Christmas, and boy did we celebrate!

[Mom's Edit: Wow, I really dropped the ball on Christmas this year! Luckily, they believed the whole story about Dog Christmas being on January 13th.]

Here's our tree!

This Christmas shiba came home from Japan with mom. I hope it doesn't give her any crazy ideas about dressing us up!

Our tree got a new ornament this year. It's a fox!

This is us seeing our presents and tree for the first time!

I went straight for the monkey from Aunt Laura. It grunts (but not for long)!

Tsuki went for the hedgehog with the tennis ball in his tummy.

Look out, Hedgie!

I'm going to share some wisdom with you. If you tear off their feet, it's much harder for monkeys to run away.

Watch how the master does it.

If either of these toys still contains stuffing by tomorrow, we haven't done our jobs.

Tsuki says: What else is there to open?

Tsuki says: I think I must have opened Yoshi's by mistake, because this one says "Naughty" on it.

I guess an Orbee snowball is okay, but a real snowball would be better. Although, it was rated 5 out of 5 chompers on Planet Dog's Chew-O-Meter.

An Orbee Frisbee!

A Christmas lightbulb? Made out of Orbee? Santa must be running out of ideas.

Tsuki took her two favorite toys up to higher ground, just in case anyone had any funny ideas about sneaking up on her and taking them.

Tsuki looking pretty in her Christmas collar.

Mom says: We tried to get Yoshi to pose by the tree, but these next two are the best we could do.

Mom says: This one was a raging success, since the command I gave was "please block the tree and all of the presents with your bum."

Hope everyone had a terrific Dog Christmas!

Happy New Year, everydog!

Hey, wait! Why is Dog Christmas after New Year's Day? Something fishy is going on around here.


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This page is a archive of recent entries written by (Display Name not set) in January 2008.

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