Shiba SoftBank Ads - Part 4

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Thanks to Blue, we now have the long version of the Father Travels SoftBank commercial, as well as the translation for the commercial and the accompanying song! Thank you, Blue!

***At the Sunami Station***

Father (Cream Shiba) is coming out of the small countryside station.

***On the steps of alleys***

Father is running up and down on stone steps of very narrow alleys.

Father's voiceover: I'm sure I will come across Tada-Tomo that I have not seen yet.

[Tada-Tomo is the WhiteBanks' calling plan that permits members to call each other for free. Tada means "free" and Tomo is the abbreviation of Tomodachi, which means "a friend."]

***Jodo-ji Temple***

Father runs through a flock of pigeons.

***In the middle of a rice paddy***

Father is sitting at the bus stop with a cute school girl.

Father is walking in the rain.

***At the small harbor***

Father is getting on a boat.

***At the very traditional Japanese inn (Ryokan)***

Father is looking down at the scenery from the window as the maid is serving tea.

A woman who wears Yukata and Haori coat is walking in a courtyard.

***At the beach***

A woman, who turns out to be young and pretty, is making a call from the beach.

Father gets a call and probably he thinks it is from that woman.

Mother: Where are you roaming around?

Father: I'm sorry.

***At the Rotenburo***

Father is walking by the Rotenburo.

[Rotenburo is the outside of a hot spring or hot tub. This particular one seems to have a ceiling but no wall. As Japanese usually bathe in the nude, Rotenburo are surrounded by privacy fences.]

Father is coming out of the female section of the hot spring.

Father: I made a mistake.

Male voiceover: Free calling among family members for 24 hours. SoftBank.

[Contextual Information: Sunami Station is in Mihara City of Hiroshima prefecture, and Jodo-ji Temple is in Onomichi City, which is also within Hiroshima prefecture. Other locations are unknown. However, most likely this film was shot around these two cities as they are located side by side. Onomichi is well known as the city with very pretty scenery. The old parents from Tokyo Story, which is regarded as one of the best movies ever made, resided in this city.]

Here are the lyrics to the accompanying song, which can also be found in this earlier entry:

Iihi Tabidachi (Taking Off On A Fine Day)
I look up to the sky of the North where snow will melt soon
As I call out for the dreams from the days that have passed away
Faces of people who I will never see again come to my mind
So today I will be on the road by myself

Somewhere in Japan, someone special is waiting for me
Taking off on a fine day to look for a red sunset
With the song that I heard on my mother's back as my only company

On the tip of the cape, a boy is fishing
Will he take the pass with tall green grasses when he goes home
In order to make a memory
I will write "Goodbye" on the beach sand with a wooden stick

Somewhere in Japan, someone special is waiting for me
Taking off on a fine day to look for a cloud shaped like a sheep
With the song that my father taught me as my only company

Somewhere in Japan, someone special is waiting for me
Taking off on a fine day to look for my happiness
With the song that I sang in my childhood as my only company

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