For the past few months, I've been collecting bento supplies, so that I could make Yoshi a bento box for his 5th birthday. If you have any interest in trying your hand at making bento (for people, even), definitely check out Cooking Cute.
I used cookie cutters and ham to make Yoshi's 'Happy Birthday' message.
Here's the finished bento. It contains cubed steak, hot dog cat, onigiri, colorful dog cookies, and half a hard boiled egg (which neither dog found appetizing -- they must take after their popi).
Here's Tsuki's more girlie bento. Her name is made out of cheese.
The hard boiled eggs were probably my favorite part, and were surprisingly easy to make. Too bad the dogs didn't like them as much as I did.
It's like he's saying, "Itadakimasu (いただきます)."
The birthday boy enjoying his steak.
Little sister has always had an unorthodox way of eating at the table.
Caught red pawed attempting to steal the birthday boy's ham!
Not to worry though, there was still plenty left for Yoshi.
At some point, Tsuki decided it was time for dessert (that's not real chocolate, don't worry). She helped herself, of course.
Then, she headed upstairs to eat her dessert on our bed.
Yoshi tried to be diplomatic about the onigiri. Ultimately, he decided that he was not a fan. Tsuki came to the same conclusion.
"Gochisosama deshita (ごちそうさまでした)."
Happy 5th Birthday, Yoshi! 誕生日おめでとうヨッシ!

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