February 2008 Archives

Honorable Chairman Yoshi
A vote for Yoshi is a vote for delicious treats! Click here to vote!

Okay, dog comrades, I need your help.

If you've been a long-time reader, you know that I've been quietly flying under the human radar and implementing my plans for world domination. Well, the next phase of my plan has begun. I've decided that we need to tackle both print and on-line medias and, with your help, my subliminal messages give your dog lots of delicious treats could reach millions of homes.

The best part of my plan, is that the message will come from a very unlikely place; a VACUUM CLEANER BOX! This could be bigger than the Trojan Horse, dog comrades! Subliminal messages from a dog, hiding on a vacuum cleaner box!? The humans won't suspect a thing. Genius, I know!

But, the plan will fail without your help, comrades. I need you to click the red link below, to cast your vote for delicious treats and world domination me! And, if you really want to cast a decisive blow to humanity's control over the world treat supply, ask your friends to vote, too!

Onward to victory, comrades! Click here to vote!

With humble thanks,

Chairman Yoshi

Under Construction

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We're in the process of upgrading to a new version of MoveableType, so things are going to look weird around her for a while. But, everything should still be readable, just in crazy places all over the page.

Unfortunately, we've had to disable comments for the time being, because they don't seem to be working right.

We hope to have things in order in the not too distant future.

Did someone say breakdance?

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Apparently, it's Willie and Desi that have been teaching the dogs how to bust a move.

[Edit: I've noticed that sometimes, when you hit play, you can hear the music, but not see the movie. If you refresh your browser, that may fix it. If not, clearing your cache and refreshing should do it.]

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Click to vote for the b-boys and b-girl!

ランキングに参加中です。 どうもありがとうございます!

Saturday Night Shiba!

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Seriously, you must watch this.

[Edit: I've noticed that sometimes, when you hit play, you can hear the music, but not see the movie. If you refresh your browser, that may fix it. If not, clearing your cache and refreshing should do it.]

にほんブログ村 犬ブログ 柴犬へ
Click to vote for the disco king and queen!

ランキングに参加中です。 どうもありがとうございます!


Do you have a good sense of humor? Like to play? Always up for a challenge? Calm in the face of adversity?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you may have just found your perfect match!

Chigo, the handsome gent in the picture, has energy and shiba-tude to spare. This little smarty pants is originally from the U.S., but is currently residing in Ontario. Ideally, he'll find his new home in/near Ontario, so that Shiba Rescue of the Greater Toronto Area can provide his new minions owners with any support they may need.

Click here for Chigo's PetFinder page.

I've taken a special interest in Chigo, because he reminds me of wild-man Yoshi. It is not possible to overstate what an energetic and mischievous little character Yoshi was as a young man, but with lots of patience, love, good humor, and positive training, he has turned into the most loving and mellow dog (even if he is still a smarty pants). So, I have a soft spot in my heart for wild and crazy shibas, because even though you sometimes can't see the light at the end of the tunnel with them, there can be a sweet, wonderful dog waiting on the other side.

If you can, please spread the word about Chigo, maybe even consider posting a link to his PetFinder page on your blog.


Princess Priorities

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(you can click the image for a larger, more readable version)

By way of explanation, Yoshi and Tsuki could not be more different where food is concerned. Tsuki likes to sleep-in, and you have to call her a bunch of times before she's willing to give up her beauty sleep and come down for breakfast. Yoshi, on the other hand, would throw you under a bus for one bite of a stale biscuit.

Tsuki is a baby in these pictures, in case you're confused. My husband has always loved these photos of her, which is I guess what inspired him to make them into such a cute little comic.

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Click to vote for the Princess!

ランキングに参加中です。 どうもありがとうございます!

Captured on Canvas

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Through a Pup Pal request on Dogster, I was lucky enough to find Shannon Darch, an incredible artist who was able to capture Yoshi and Tsuki's true spirits on canvas. I've added watermarks to the larger digital versions, but they are not part of the painted originals.

This painting of Yoshi comes from a funny scenario that my husband dreamt up for Yoshi. By some bureaucratic error, Yoshi is drafted into the army. And, even though he's obviously a dog, everyone just treats him like a person, and refers to him in conversation as "that short funny-lookin' kid." Yoshi is, of course, still Yoshi, so he never listens to his commanding officer. This gets him put on KP duty, which, in typical Yoshi fashion, he exploits for all it's worth.

For a long time, I've pictured Tsuki as a girlie Japanese pop star, and this painting is pretty much the image of her that I've carried around in my head. As evidence of her rock star status, Tsuki doesn't like to step in puddles, and possesses the world's most discriminating canine palette (dead mice and cat poop seem to be the exceptions to this, but even divas are entitled to their guilty pleasures). She can also be quite demanding of her entourage (that's us), and will insist that we continue to provide petting and tummy rubs, long after our arms have grown weary. Her bodyguard (that's Yoshi) also complains about her bossiness. But, nevertheless, her outgoing and magnetic personality have made her quite a star (in our neighborhood, at least).

Having now worked with Shannon on two projects, I can recommend her without reservation. Not only is she reliable, but she is such a pleasure to work with. I have commissioned work from several other artists, but have never felt that they could quite capture the image that I had created in my mind. Shannon not only created images that are amazingly similar to what I had envisioned, but included additional elements that I would never have considered, making the scenes even better. Both paintings completely exceeded our expectations.

If you've ever thought it would be fun to have an illustration done of your pet (or a human, even), definitely consider contacting Shannon. But, we plan on keeping her very busy, so you better hurry! We're already thinking up our next two commissions!

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Click to vote for us!

ランキングに参加中です。 どうもありがとうございます!

Happy 5th Birthday, Yoshi!

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For the past few months, I've been collecting bento supplies, so that I could make Yoshi a bento box for his 5th birthday. If you have any interest in trying your hand at making bento (for people, even), definitely check out Cooking Cute.

I used cookie cutters and ham to make Yoshi's 'Happy Birthday' message.

Here's the finished bento. It contains cubed steak, hot dog cat, onigiri, colorful dog cookies, and half a hard boiled egg (which neither dog found appetizing -- they must take after their popi).

Here's Tsuki's more girlie bento. Her name is made out of cheese.

The hard boiled eggs were probably my favorite part, and were surprisingly easy to make. Too bad the dogs didn't like them as much as I did.

It's like he's saying, "Itadakimasu (いただきます)."

The birthday boy enjoying his steak.

Little sister has always had an unorthodox way of eating at the table.

Caught red pawed attempting to steal the birthday boy's ham!

Not to worry though, there was still plenty left for Yoshi.

At some point, Tsuki decided it was time for dessert (that's not real chocolate, don't worry). She helped herself, of course.

Then, she headed upstairs to eat her dessert on our bed.

Yoshi tried to be diplomatic about the onigiri. Ultimately, he decided that he was not a fan. Tsuki came to the same conclusion.

"Gochisosama deshita (ごちそうさまでした)."

Happy 5th Birthday, Yoshi! 誕生日おめでとうヨッシ!

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Click to vote for the birthday boy!

ランキングに参加中です。 どうもありがとうございます!


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Sweet Togetherness

Fun Togetherness

Everything is better when you have someone you love to share it with.

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Click to vote for us!


[Edited on February 17, 2008: Once again, we are so grateful to Blue for providing the translations and cultural background information for these commercials. Thank you so much!]

Part 12

***At a busy street corner***

Aya is waiting for someone.
She calls but hears only the artificial voice of the voice mail.
The street has been deserted and Aya tries to call again.
She turnes around and finds the guy for whom she has been waiting.
They run toward each other.

Dad (Cream Shiba): That's enough for today!

Mother nods

Male voiceover: Merry Christmas, SoftBank.

Japanese started to enjoy (not celebrate) Christmas even before the War. Now, Japan has a huge and 100% commercial Christmas. It provides them with a reason to party and a very romantic night for lovers.

Contrary to popular belief, Japanese are very, very agnostic. Yes, they do have many temples and shrines but they are more like cultural heritages and do not have much religious meanings to them anymore.

Part 13

***At a busy street corner***

Aya is waiting for someone.
She gets a call and turns around, there he is.
They run toward each other.

Dad: Ahhhh...

They hug.

Dad: Maybe, it is okay for today.

Mother and son smile.

Male voiceover: Merry Christmas, SoftBank.

Part 14

***In the bathroom***

Son is giving a bath to his dad.

Dad (Cream Shiba): What is "Tada-Tomo"?
("Tada" means free and "Tomo" is the abbreviation of "Tomodachi" which means a friend.)

Son: It is the "White" (calling) plan to cost 980 yen for one month, until 9pm (from 1pm) free domestic calling between SoftBank members.

Dad: Ouch, that's hot!

Son: I'm sorry, dad.

***At the dining table***

Aya: Where is dad?

Mother: He's bathing.

Male voiceover: Spreading the circle of "Tada-Tomo."

As usual, the shiba has an attitude of a very traditional Japanese dad, very stubborn and tyrant-like. And the son is very obedient.

You may wonder why the shiba is washed outside of the tub. Japanese bath tubs are very deep and filled with hot water, and are strictly for enjoying being in hot water, like a hot tub. Therefore, they wash themselves outside of the bathtub. And, Japanese kids used to wash their dads' back. I guess some of them still do.

Part 15

Silent Night is the most popular Christmas song in Japan. Every kindergarten student learns this with the translated lyrics.

Part 16

Part 17 (this one is pure genius)

***In the classroom***

Taller boy: It is not a lie.

Shorter boy: That's not believable.

Girl: Stop that!

Shorter boy: He says SoftBank will start the (unthinkably) super student discount.

Taller boy: It is not a lie.

Cream shiba enters the classroom.

Girl: Sensei (means a teacher).

Dad: Stop arguing!

Shorter boy: Why do we have to listen to what that dog says?

Girl: What are you saying to our teacher?

Shorter boy: But the dog is a dog.

Dad: Do not judge by what it looks like.

Shorter boy: Then what should we judge with?

Dad: With the eyes of your mind.

Shorter boy: With the eyes of my mind?

Taller boy: Sensei.

Girl: Sensei.

All kids: Sensei.

***In the livingroom***

Aya: What a nice thing you said to the kids, Sensei!

Dad: Do not call me "Sensei" at home.

Male voiceover: Finally, "White (calling plan)" student discount has started.

Part 17 (Alternate Ending)

***In the classroom***

Taller boy: It is not a lie.

Shorter boy: That's not believable.

Girl: Stop that!

Shorter boy: He says SoftBank will start the (unthinkably) super student discount.

Taller boy: It is not a lie.

Cream shiba enters the classroom.

Girl: Sensei (means a teacher).

Dad: Stop arguing!

Shorter boy: Why do we have to listen to what that dog says?

Girl: What are you saying to our teacher?

Shorter boy: But the dog is a dog.

Dad: Do not judge by what it looks like.

Shorter boy: Then what should we judge with?

Dad: With the eyes of your mind.

Shorter boy: With the eyes of my mind?

Taller boy: Sensei.

Girl: Sensei.

All kids: Sensei.

Shiba barks or more like howls.

***In the livingroom***

Aya: So you barked again?

Dad: I did (in a kind of embarrassed way).

Part 18

***At the SoftBank store counter***

High School Kid: "White" student discount?

Aya: Yes, for students who join the White plan there is no basic charge for three years and unlimited usage of the package starts from 0 yen.

High School Kid: If you do that much for me,...

Aya: If we do that much,...(what?)

High School Kid: I feel almost sorry.

Dad: Do not be so reserved!

High School Kid: Sensei.

Aya: Dad.

Dad: This is Emoto from my class.

High School Kid: Nice to see you, and sensei has been very kind to me always.

Aya: You have been very nice to my dad.

Dad: Can I say something to you?

High School Kid: What is it, sensei?

Dad: Boys, be ambitious!

Dad: Why are you looking at me like that?

Male voiceover: "White" student discount. For three years, there is no basic charge.

"Boys, be ambitious" are the famous words from Doctor William Clark who came to Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan, from the U.S. to be the first principal of Hokkaido University in 1876. When he left, he said to his students, "Boys, be ambitious (at that time, the university had only male students)!" Since then, these have become such precious words for the Japanese educators' community and for boys. However, it probably sounds too old fashioned for young kids now. And, by using these words, this dad reveals how old fashioned he is, and it just does not fit with discussion about cellphone calling plans. I guess the dad meant that boys should be ambitious with this discount plan.

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