May 2007 Archives

More Friends!

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Hey everydog, meet Phin and Trink! We've been friends with them for a while now, and their mom, too. Our moms e-mail with each other sometimes, which makes us a little nervous, but, so far, it doesn't seem like they're on to our plans for world domination.

Phineas is on the left, and Trink is on the right. They look a lot like us, don't they!?

Trink is almost five, and Phin is four and a half years old. She's a Leo, and he's a Sagittarius. According to their mom, their personalities really do match their signs! Their mom also said that she interrupted them kissing in this picture! Just thinking about it makes us blush under our fur.

A portrait of Yoshi, uh, we mean Phin. They really do look alike! It's even hard for us to tell.

Here's Trink looking sweet and beautiful, as always!

:::Tsuki says: "Yoshi & Trink, sitting in a tree!":::

We're not sure what this is, but we suspect the humans must have erected a hidden force field between Phin & Trink and their food bowls. Otherwise, there's no explanation for why no one is eating. Is this some type of torture device? Say it isn't so!

And now our favorite...SNOW PICTURES!


Oh, there you are! Don't scare me like that!

Trink says: "If I close my eyes and wish hard enough, maybe the snow won't melt this time!"

We have such noble-looking friends!

Pawprints in Japan

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I'm not sure if there are any shibas in this book, as it was written by an Akita fancier, but I thought it might of interest to owners of Japanese breeds in general:

It can be purchased at this link.

To read more information about the book, go here.

According the site linked above, all proceeds generated from the purchase of the book are being donated to the AKC Canine Health Foundation.

Remember a while back when I posted about Shiba Wanko?

Well...I have no idea what I'm going to do with these things, but I *had* to have them:


The one of her in her little dusting hat is my favorite.


Here's the link where you can buy them, in case you find them as irresistable as I did. Also, if you can think of something good to do with them, let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Hi everydog,

Our shiba pal, Sushi, and her mom, are going to be participating in a canine rescue fundraising event on June 10th.

Sushi and her mom are part of the Toronto Shiba Inu Meetup Group (you can see their picture at this link), and they will be participating in the 4th Annual K9 Rescue Me Walkathon to raise awareness of canine rescue in Ontario, Canada.

The Shibas will be walking in support of Shiba Rescue of the Greater Toronto Area, which is part of the K9 Rescue Me group. The K9 Rescue Me people organize events such as this, and there are approximately 20 different dog rescues involved. It is Canada's largest canine rescue fundraising event! It's going to be so much fun, and I can't believe we're going to miss it!

If you are interested in donating, or know of other dogs (or dog parents) who might be, please feel free to pass along the info. Funds are being collected for various breeds, not just shibas, so you can pass it along to your non-shiba friends, too.

Donations can be made on-line at this link (there is a drop down menu after you click on Donate Now, which lists all the rescues involved this year).

Do it, doggies!

If Sushi gets tired, maybe her mom can push her around in one of these. If so, WE WANT PICTURES!

If you want to see more pictures of shibas in strollers, go here. Oh, the indignity.

New Friends!

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The best part about having our own website, is that we get to meet lots of shiba friends! Here are our newest friends, Yoshi (another one!) and Chella!

Chella likes to destroy any toy she can find, just like us! Yoshi loves to flip his toys up and catch them in the air. We only know how to catch, not the flip part, so we'll have to get Yoshi to show us!

Chella is on the left, and Yoshi is on the right.

Here they are playing in the snow, just like us!

Here they are peeking out the window, just like us!

And, here are three of Yoshi chillaxing and looking handsome, just like us!

We sure do have a lot in common with our new friends!

I just got back from doing a research project on urban strays. Mostly, we saw a lot of feral cats, which I guess is typical of most large cities. We kept hearing rumors that there were packs of stray dogs, but were told that they didn't come out until after midnight, so we weren't really expecting to see any. We were following a lead on an active feral cat colony, when we made a wrong turn and had to drive down a side street to turn around. When we did, we found these guys...

There were 6 of them in total, even though they're not all in the picture.

For obvious reasons, this guy really broke my heart.

Here are our yummy birthday cakes and giant bones that had our names right on them!

HA! HA! Tsuki had to wear a silly birthday outfit!

There she goes...look at that back foot!

The best part about it being Tsuki's birthday, is that I get to have cake, but I don't have to wear a silly outfit.

Here's Tsuki opening *my* present! The ones in blue paper were supposed to be for me!

It didn't matter though, because we each got a new Teddy Possum. We killed the one we got for Christmas, so we really needed a new one.

Here I am opening the girlie presents wrapped in pink paper. How embarrassing!

In addition to our new Teddy Possums, we each got a baby bunny, which are super fun for squeaking and killing.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Tsuki!

Portraits Before Cake

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Here's the pretty, little birthday girl on her 3rd birthday!

Yoshi always gets very excited in the moments leading up to BIRTHDAY CAKE!

This picture really sums up Yoshi's relationship with food.

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This page is an archive of entries from May 2007 listed from newest to oldest.

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