A Vision of Innocence

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Mom thinks I look really cute when I sleep, so she just can't seem to stop taking pictures of me in my new bed. I told her it was too many, and that it was gonna' bore everyone, but she wouldn't listen.

While I was having my umpteenth photo taken, Tsuki starting whining 'cuz Mom wasn't taking enough pictures of her (she's such a baby), so Mom snapped this one.

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Cmom, Yoshi! Youre gorgeous! Let your mamma take as many photos as she likes and post all so we can look to you all day long! :)

looks just like my baby when he's asleep!!!

Please keep posting photos of your Shibas and friends. Seeing them keep me smiling thru the day!
My dogs are part Shibas and I can relate to the misbehavin'!

He looks just like my Kato...Shibas are the dogs with the most personality!

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Im going to get a Shiba in December so my friends wanted me to find pictures for them, so i came accross this page and wow this dog is so cute!

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This page contains a single entry by published on January 16, 2005 1:39 PM.

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