How Yoshi Spent the 4th of July (and the 3rd, and the 2nd...)
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Gay. Read More
Dear Kathy and Peter,
You pictures are GGGGRRRREEAAATTT!!!!!!
I have your website bookmarked so that I can see more of Yoshi and his favorite playmate, Mimi!!!
See you at the park!!
Lou Ann
(Mimi's Mom)
I thought that my dog Frosty ( a 2 year old Shiba Inu) was just weird. Now, I know that all Shiba's are just funny like that!
I think your comment is based on a few factual errors:
1) The person who made this post is a woman.
2) The person who made this post is married (to me).
3) I'm unclear when anyone has ever claimed Yoshi was a person (except maybe as a joke)
4) Yoshi is sleeping alone in a dog bed in all the above pictures.
Other than that, touch.