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The immortal life of henrietta lacks. Read More
Mimi loves Yoshi!!! Thanks for the pictures! They really capture the inner gestalt of both Mimi and Yoshi!!!
Love, Lou Ann (Mimi's mom)
Wow, Yoshi had some teeth! Looks like he was losing them there. Ah, I remember Yoshi's puppy teeth: they were sharp, white, and little. And menacing. We even kept his canine puppy tooth, which is now nothing in comparison to his canine teeth NOW.
This page contains a single entry by Mom published on June 25, 2003 9:58 PM.
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Mimi loves Yoshi!!!
Thanks for the pictures! They really capture the inner gestalt of both Mimi and Yoshi!!!
Lou Ann
(Mimi's mom)
Wow, Yoshi had some teeth! Looks like he was losing them there. Ah, I remember Yoshi's puppy teeth: they were sharp, white, and little. And menacing. We even kept his canine puppy tooth, which is now nothing in comparison to his canine teeth NOW.