Yoshi and Tsuki: May 2007 Archives

Here are our yummy birthday cakes and giant bones that had our names right on them!

HA! HA! Tsuki had to wear a silly birthday outfit!

There she goes...look at that back foot!

The best part about it being Tsuki's birthday, is that I get to have cake, but I don't have to wear a silly outfit.

Here's Tsuki opening *my* present! The ones in blue paper were supposed to be for me!

It didn't matter though, because we each got a new Teddy Possum. We killed the one we got for Christmas, so we really needed a new one.

Here I am opening the girlie presents wrapped in pink paper. How embarrassing!

In addition to our new Teddy Possums, we each got a baby bunny, which are super fun for squeaking and killing.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Tsuki!

Here's the pretty, little birthday girl on her 3rd birthday!

Yoshi always gets very excited in the moments leading up to BIRTHDAY CAKE!

This picture really sums up Yoshi's relationship with food.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Yoshi and Tsuki category from May 2007.

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