Author (#3)December 2006 Archives

Well, mom and popi got what they wanted for Christmas, a new camera. That means there will be no peace for us in 2007. And, if that wasn't bad enough, we heard mom say that she's going to take a photography class! I guess uninterrupted naps are a thing of the past for me and Tsuki.

Hope your New Year is happier than ours.

It's New Year's Eve! Put down the camera and let's play!

I can't believe I have put up with a whole semester of this.

If a non-camera-owning household wants to adopt us, we'll have our bags packed and will be waiting at the curb. Just say when.

Happy holidays, everyone! We hope you get lots of toys and yummy treats when Santa Paws visits!

Shibas are featured on this month's cover of Dog World magazine. That can only mean that we're one step closer to world domination! I mean, it even has "world" in the title!

This is our new friend, Cubby the Boxer!

And this is his sister, Dakota!

Cubby, Dakota, and their moms do a lot of work for Legacy Boxer Rescue.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by (Display Name not set) in December 2006.

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