Uncle Yoshi Wants YOU!

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Uncle Yoshi wants YOU to click here and vote!

Okay, blog friends, voting for this period ends on Tuesday, March 4th. That means there are only 3 more days is only 1 MORE DAY to vote for the Yosh-man.

If his photo wins in this round, he'll advance to the finals and have a chance to appear on the box for Bissell's Pet Hair Eraser Vacuum Cleaner. How cool would that be? He'd be totally representin'.

So, if you've got a second (it really only takes a second, honest), and you'd like to support Yoshi in his quest for World Domination, click the red link here, or the one under his picture, and you'll be able to cast your vote for Uncle Yoshi.

Thanks a lot!

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This page contains a single entry by Mom published on March 1, 2008 10:40 PM.

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