Here's the second installment of the Shibas in Japan series! This one focuses on shibas in the movies.
This is an advertisement for Sword of the Stranger.
Here's a close-up of the shiba warrior.
And, another one from a different movie poster for the same movie.
Here's a trailer (in Japanese, of course).
This is a poster for A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies. WARNING: Cuteness overload if you follow the link.
And, a different poster for the same movie.
Here's the trailer, and here's a synopsis of Mari's story.
If you go here, you can download a cute little coloring page of Mari and her puppies.
And, if you go here, you can download a cute little memo page of Mari and her puppies.
Finally, if you go here, you can download shiba puppy wallpaper for your computer desktop.
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