Yarn Made from Shiba Fur!

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You know how we shiba owners always say that we could make a whole 'nother shiba out of all the fur that comes off our dogs when they blow their coats? Well, Koshi and Harlow's extremely creative and talented mom has done just that -- she has had shiba fur spun into yarn, and created the adorable crocheted shiba that you see above! I'm stunned at how cool this is!

Koshi and Harlow's mom is using all of the shiba fur yarn and the resultant projects to raise money for Shiba Rescue, which is also stunningly cool!

You can see some of Koshi and Harlow's mom's other beautiful projects by following this link to Griffin Designs' web site.

VIP Fibers created the shiba fur yarn, and you can have yarn created from your pet's fur, too! I almost can't wait for them to blow their coats again, and who in their right mind would ever wish for that?!

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This is so cool! I have been saving shiba fur in ziplock bags for quite some time, with a similar "thread" in mind. I have a sheep farm down the road from me and they teach spinning and knitting. I thought that the sheep's wool mixed with Shiba fur would be beautiful, soft and unique...

hahaha! Maybe I should start saving all their fur! Goodness knows they do shed enough. I've thought of making a Shiba sweater or something.

~Sarah (Akira and Shiro's Sis)

When I was at our (Shiba) National Specialty 2 weeks ago in Gulfport, MS, they had these for sale for Shiba rescue, but unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to buy one!!! : ( I thought they were really cool too!!! : )

Happy Holidays!!!

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