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Remember our friend Bauer? Well his new niece, Rumor, came home to live with him last week, and we got to meet her on Saturday! She flew home on an airplane, all the way from Oregon! Here she is...


Getting ready to pounce!

Here's Rumor plotting the next round of puppy hi-jinx that she's going to unleash on unsuspecting Uncle Bauer.

It's okay, Bauer, anyone would make that face if they'd spent their day being harassed by a puppy and two shibas.

Here's a picture of all of us! Boys against girls!

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Bauer and Rumor had just as much fun as Yoshi and Tsuki (even though Bauer kept his poker face on all day!)


Hi from Rumor's mom on the left coast. Looks like they are having too much fun. She has only been gone a week and it looks like she has grown lots!
Keep up the good work, takes a village to raise a puppy .. ;-)
Love from Diva, Frasier and Summer (Carol too)

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This page contains a single entry by published on October 16, 2006 9:13 PM.

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