Yoshi vs. The Frisbee Thieves!

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First, Mom tried to steal my Frisbee!

Then, Dani tried to steal my Frisbee!

And then, Popi AND Dani tried to steal my Frisbee!

Meanwhile, instead of helping me in the epic battle to secure possession of the Frisbee, Tsuki was more concerned with keeping the squirrels up in the trees.

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hey we have a 4 month old shiba and we think shes gonna turn out smaller than most were not sure yet if i sent you pictures of her could you tell if shes small for her age? i have no idea what she weighs but she has to go to the vet to get shots maybe theyll weigh her then. shes a scaredy cat too sometimes shes brave and sometimes shes a big chicken. we hope she will not be such a scaredycat when she gets older but shes gotten better lately.

by the way this is the owner of lucy on dogster dustin.

Hey its me dustin again i just went to suhis dogster page and i saw that it said today is his birthday! but why isnt tsuki in his my family section? and the other 2 dogs that i didnt know were? sushi and tsuki do live with each other right?? i never saw anything about tsuki on that page so it confused me.

Hi Yoshi,

Welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it's great to have you aboard, and I am sure you will make lots of friends here :-)


oh my god..im so sorry uhh...whoever writes about tsuki and yoshi and takes great pictures. i was on dogster and i confused YOSHI for SUSHI so thats what the problem was..when are your dogs birthdays? our dog lucy is almost 5 months old now and my birthday is coming up in a few months too.

Ooooh, nothing like a good game of tug!!!!

Bussie Kissies

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