Social Learning: Not Just A Theory

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It appears that the little missus has recently learned a thing or two by observing her outlaw brother:

NOTE TO ONE AND ALL: Having a smart dog is highly overrated. Cat-like agility also has its drawbacks.

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I stumbled across your web page while signing up for Google e-mail. I have 3 of my own Shibas (all rescues) and I really enjoy your site. I love this breed and I'm very involved with Mid-west Shiba Inu rescue. Hope to see more soon! Thanks!

I love your dogs they are so beautiful. I have one of my own. His name is Chopper and he is 2 now. He also acts like a cat. I always say that he is the biggest cat that I have :) I hope to see more of your dogs soon.

thank you very much for your help. You guys 81635 rock, thanks again.

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This page contains a single entry by Yoshi & Tsuki's Mom published on September 4, 2005 11:58 PM.

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