I'm walking in a rural area, along a road....think New England versus Mississippi. The road seen from a helicopter is a huge imperfect circle. I'm walking home, by way of the antique shops.
All the shops are doing badly, what with the economy the way it is and all... I spend quite a bit of time looking over various eccentric antique instruments that are all priced in the $100-300 range. I really want this strange radio-organ that can be best described as a 1940's style console radio mixed with a hammond organ.
I'm not sure if I can afford it though. I also feel like I'm insulting my neighbors, like buying the thing would be some bizarre act of charity.
I don't buy it. Some other things happen. Something about a little boy who lives in the store.
I'm sitting with a bunch of women, my co-workers. We're all talking about our diets, and laughing about how much water we are all drinking. When we get up there's interminable chatter about nobody forgetting their water.
It's a good time.
Posted by illovich at February 14, 2003 05:15 PM | TrackBack