So we went to see Reign of Fire tonight. Fun. The dragons were stupid cool, Christian Bale was stupid fresh, and Matthew McConaughey was just stupid.
Nothing against him, I mean I guess he was just doing what he was told, but his character was just the standard cartoon of a good 'ol boy American supersolider.
As Kat said, "why do they always look like skin heads anymore?"
I don't really know the answer to that question... it's just that I think the dragon slayer movie as analogue to American WWII heroism felt a bit tired... that's why I was particularly happy with the ending.
The polish/swedish chopperbabe was an odd, but nice touch. I just wish it hadn't gone all anti-feminist at the end...
3 stars, I guess. If you like stuff like dragons and post apocalyptic settings that aren't long on sensible world mechanics, you'll probably enjoy it.
Posted by illovich at July 13, 2002 08:58 PM