February 07, 2003
my kingdom, 'tis of thee

I just found out about this great new law we have here in Pennsylvania.

Under a state law that takes effect today, almost every student in Pennsylvania - from preschool through high school, in schools public and private - must face the Stars and Stripes each school day and say the pledge or sing the national anthem. It is "one of the most stringent pledge laws in the United States," said Greta Durr, a researcher for the National Conference of State Legislatures, which tracks state lawmaking across the nation.... Private and parochial schools may claim an exemption if compliance would violate the religious conviction on which the school was based. Quakers and Mennonites may pledge allegiance only to God, so those schools will not have to comply. Individual students may refuse on religious or philosophical grounds, but their schools are required to report their decisions to parents or guardians.

I feel more patriotic already. Nothing like liberty without a little less choice, eh?

Posted by illovich at February 07, 2003 07:02 AM
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