June 18, 2002
I am sick of her attitude

Kat: "Put this powerstrip somewhere that's not my desk"

Peter: [puts the powerstrip where Willie, the cat sleeps]

Kat: "That is Willie's desk"

Peter: [puts the powerstrip on the edge of Kat's desk]

Kat: "That is my desk."

Peter: [puts the powerstrip where Willie, the cat sleeps]

Kat: "Somewhere that is neither my desk nor Willie's desk."

Peter: [waves the power strip at Kathy pantomiming a baby complaining]

Kat: "Why don't you just put it where you intended to put it?"

Peter: "I don't remember what I wanted it for...."

Kat: "You've been wanting one for six months! How can you not remember where you wanted to put it?"

Peter "I'm getting sick of your attitude."

Kat: "I'll tell you about being sick of attitudes..."

Peter: "I'll show you...I'm going to write in my blog about how I'm sick of your attitude."

--with a nod to Ben and Mena

Posted by illovich at June 18, 2002 10:20 PM
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