October 31, 2004
Search Request Roundup
I haven't checked which searches have led people to my site recently, so I guess I'm out of the zeitgeist for the second, since the answer is not many:
#reqs: search term -----: ----------- 2: samurai and shiba inu 2: foxy 2: shiba inu 2: homelandsecurity/videos of hostages 1: jesus: wrong for america 1: red hot girls com 1: oidhche shamhna 2004 -> 1: scott sendra 1: funny logs 1: san jo shiba inu 1: info dr rusty shackleford 1: ann coulter pics 1: pics of shibas 1: dancer buff bot macro 1: squeak blog 1: illovich.com 1: shiba inu puppy pictures 1: apple soundtrack loop utility 1: kristoff lib con
The interesting question is... who's looking for Scott Sendra? I know where he is, but I'm not telling.
Posted by illovich at October 31, 2004 09:44 AM