June 18, 2002
Office XP is teh suck!

Yeah, I really don't know actually. I just installed it at the Instructional Support Center where I work. Todays been mostly about installing software and otherwise configuring my new work pc.

Photoshop 7 and Painter 7 are pretty much the coolest, and I got one of those Audigy EX sound cards, which came with a bunch of decent lite versions of software, including Fruity Loops which I thought was relatively righteous.

In case you were wondering, yes I know I spelled miscellaneous incorrectly. It's just a pain to fix, and I working on getting up the gumption to reexport the slice...which I realize will take all of 2 minutes.

The above paragraph should shed light on why at 30 I'm still trying to decide on what I want to do about graduate school.

Let's see.

Oh, apparently Neverwinter Nights came out today, which is pretty cool. I'm wondering if it will be another Everquest for me -- or another Heavy Metal FAKK 2000.

The above paragraph should also shed some light on why at 30 I'm still trying to decide on what I want to do about graduate school.

Ta ta for now.

Posted by illovich at June 18, 2002 04:20 PM
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