I found a terrible awfully geeky everquest fun website the other day: the EQPixel Army Gnomish Portrait Machine, which allows you to make dollz style toons of your everquest characters.
Kat: "What's that?"Me: "It's a website that let's you make little cartoons of your EQ characters."
Me: "I can't believe people make things like this"
Kat: "I can't believe you've been playing with it for an hour"
But I was, and I made this ( click to see full size):

disclaimer: Kat informs me that the dialogue is not close to verbatim. She thinks she said something along the lines of "wasting your time with that thing" instead of "playing with with it for an hour," but when hard pressed she admitted that the dialogue e"ssentially captured the spirit" of the conversation (my words).
Posted by illovich at November 22, 2003 12:34 PMi hate this site
Posted by: katrina on June 2, 2006 2:58 PMi hate this site
Posted by: katrina on June 2, 2006 2:58 PMPosted by: Bpywszabuc on October 3, 2007 12:37 PM