June 16, 2002
You can inform Lord Vader...

...that the Death Star is now fully operational. Woot. I got the illovich.com domain working full steam, moveable type smooth and silky, I got a hyper-text editor to go with my hyperreal lifestyle and photoshop is like milk and honey over in my neck of the woods.
That really doesn't make any sense, but I just wanted to post something since I've been trying to get everything working for the last couple hours or something. This cgi/data driven webpage is--as Barbie might say when you pull her string-- "hard."

Oh great, now Kat's saying "bed. midnight. bed." over and over again.

Oh great, I forgot to watch Adult Swim again.

Oh great, I have to go to work tomorrow.


Posted by illovich at June 16, 2002 11:45 PM
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