handdryer2 | Originally uploaded by illovich.
Just doing another test to make sure my Flickr blog template is all working and such. It is.
Unfortunately, Flickr can't set category in the blog at this time, so I'm off to the website to lodge a formal whiny noise.
missy-blurcroppedbad-2 == Originally uploaded by illovich.
So I'm testing out Flickr's Blog this photo capability, and seeing how it all goes.
Move along.
Bobby Neel Adams has a very interesting view regarding the correct way to photograph couples.
File under found photos:
No really, click on them. Dig the fur. Dig the fur. Have you ever lived shit like that? Have you?
I have, that's right.
strangecraft Art Resources (who I think is AKA Mac of go fish) has a really nice article about image transfers of photocopied images. I can't wait to try it out, if I ever do.
I just found a cool 6x6 camera in a 35mm body from this place :::KIEVCAMERA::: (colons theirs).
A full Kiev 60 kit is only $349--pretty good price. That includes stuff like 2 finders (waist level and prism) and a lens cap!*
The only problem is that they only seem to offer it in black/chrome finish, wheras the original manufacturer offers a bit more
Ahh. pythonkamera.
* close associates may recall my outrage at my Mamiya kit lacking a lenscap.
I just stumbled on a website for this place The Darkroom Studios...yikes!
Color Darkroom rentals just $7.50/hour--all chemistry included-woot. In New Jersey, about 15 minutes outside of Philly.
Yeee hah, I guess.
Woo-hoo! Three day weekend! If you haven't heard--and you did because no one but 3 of my friends reads this--we got a boatload of snow here in the Philadelphia area. A few pics:
I just got in from shoveling, and boy are my arms tired!
My first experiments with photography (not counting tourist snapshots and disposable cameras) were with a digital camera and will to use the incorrect shutter speed. With this fond memory, I present you with this:
Ok, it's sort of cold and I let the battery in the camera get low (excuses, excuses), so I'm just blogging a photo shot yesterday, an uncomposite of the atlantic warehouse and the smokestack.
is the name of the game today. This photo is made up of 4 shots of the area containing the atlantic warehouse and my favorite smokestack in the world.
Beh. What else did I shoot? More concrete under fluorescent lights.
I'd like to ante up with a photo that is derivative of the photographic and canvaswork of Scott Sendra: