October 31, 2002
Search, v. To explore, examine thoroughly.

Well, it's that time of the month. No, not that. It's search query report time! This is a list of the terms that people have used to find my website. I'm hapy to report that "gywo" (for Get your War On, I hope) has surpassed "ann coulter sexy"* finally. So if you're an Ann Coulter fan, and you think she's sexy you better get back to your googling and clicking, buddy.

11: gywo
08: ann coulter sexy
08: dell dude
06: leggos
06: sexy ann coulter
05: ann coulter
04: momoko kikuchi apple
04: gaak
03: photographist
03: teh suck
03: delldude
03: the dell dude
03: sneakernet
03: cocoa blog
03: illovich
03: humansex
02: ha ha so funny
02: sexy liberals
02: blog ethics
02: sandman vs spiderma

* I note with some reluctance that "ann coulter sexy" and "sexy ann coulter" combined are still ahead of "gywo."

Posted by illovich at October 31, 2002 01:30 PM
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