January 26, 2003
monthly search query roundup

I'm getting less and less hits these days. I must be getting more and more out of touch with the mainstream... maybe I should start blogging more about current events, or celebrities or something. Or maybe just keep posting stuff with the words "ann coulter sexy" so I can keep getting the same couple people over and over again... I guess I did get some traffic over the Eric Hall incident, so that's nice to know my opinion is out on that one.

I apologise to everyone that my comments are still broken. I don't know how to fix it, but I'm looking into it.

#reqs: search term
-----: -----------
22: direct advertiser
11: ann coulter sexy
7: webdav apache
6: teh suck
6: james smoak
3: sexy ann coulter
3: everquest blog
3: microsoft messenger service
3: abe krieger
2: momoko kikuchi
2: ninja power braggable
2: humansex with animals
2: messenger service winxp
2: goebbels with tits
2: cookeville police officer eric hall
2: ann coulter
2: turning japanese
2: winxp messenger service
2: blog everquest
2: projectbuilder bluej

EDIT: I guess I'd better make a style sheet for preformatted text, huh? That line spacing, oy! How ya lack me no?

Posted by illovich at January 26, 2003 11:42 PM

Posted by: Vqlmoy on October 3, 2007 7:06 AM
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