Apparently RoR ships all broookk3n on Mac OS X. Huh.
Hivelogic: Articles: Building Ruby, Rails, LightTPD, and MySQL on Tiger
Well, there. That's fixed now.
Gramophone records, magnetic tapes, vinyl records, digital samplers and computers have already liberated the samples long ago. But still - to infringe copyrights - one has to decide which sample one actually wants to steal. One has to arduously load audio files into sample editors or sequencers. One has to cut, copy, paste and arrange. All that takes precious creative energy and a lot of time.I can't wait to download sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ!Enough of that!
Copyright infringements have never been easier than with sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ!
Like I'll ever figure this one out: Oregano Multiuser Server