Ha ha: Alien Loves Predator.
I linked to episode 1. I found that it gets funnier as the author develops the characters. Like you care.
found via warren
iCompositions, a site by GarageBand enthusiasts for enthusiast, has released a new page iCompositions Tools, which tracks all of the various things people and companies have made to go with Garageband. I would recommend specifically the Software and iCompositions Tools - Audio Units pages as very useful resources.
S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System is a weird thing. It's like Powerpoint for your browser, but it looks like you need to be a .css hacker to really be able to put the thing to good use.
Still, it's a nice alternative to simply putting a.ppt file up, but perhaps it doesn't win against saving your powerpoint/keynote file as a PDF.
Not sure. I'd say that I would play with it, but I'm not sure I will. I like nice smooth fade transitions, cause I'm st00pid like that.