This morning NPR had an interview with Hans Blix, where he asserted that "[the] leaders of the United States and Britain failed to exercise "critical judgment" in going to war against Iraq a year ago."
The interview at was pretty much a rehashing of stuff said before... except for one bit that I don't remember coming up before the war: no WMDs had been found in Iraq since 1994.
My favorite bit was at the end, where Bob Edwards mentioned the UK bugging of the UN, and asked Blix if he felt he had been bugged.
Blix replied that at the time he assumed he was bugged, and that it was an "unpleasant feeling." He continued to say that he was not afraid, given that he said nothing in private that he had said publicly, but that is was an "unpleasant feeling."
He paused and added "If they were bugging me I wish they had been listening to what I was saying."
Full audio available on the page.
Looks like I have to fix the line width height for the ol tag on my style sheet.
According to the Belief-O-Matic, these are my top 10 matching religions (that would be most suited for me):
I guess the Quakers are more open minded than I thought.
Microsoft has a disagreeably facetious type glossary on their typography website, which is actually pretty funny.
Actually, Microsoft's Typography website in general is pretty good, so if you're interested in typeface design, you should check it out.
For some reason, I keep getting into conversations about the Fundamentalist position that the world is less than 7,000 years old. I keep mentioning in these conversations that some guy actually figured out from the bible the date the world was created.
It turns out that some guy = Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland, and Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College in Dublin.
The date the world was created? Sunday October 23, 4004 BC.
What really took me by surprise was that Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden on the 10th of November later that year--only 18 days later. It hardly seems fair, if you think about it.
I mentioned this to Stabinski, and he replied "they were only there for a couple of pages"
True, true.
I have lots of friends into [ xerox art ].
DAM1ER, John, this one's for you.
A crazy photojournal of the dead zone around Chernobyl. Unbelievable decay, wonderful horror. I keep looking at it, and I really don't know what else to say.
I actually had a dream inspired by this website the other night.
thanks to die puny humans
This is actually pretty straightforward but it took me a few minutes to figure it out. This was to check if a dog was 6 months old or so... I padded it a bit, becasue if the dog was "too old," it would prevent a user from continuing. I figured give them a bit more than 6 months, hence 195 days.
DateDiff is a function that returns the difference between two dates.
Dogs.birthday is a date, is text, from a db query (duh, huh?).
<cfoutput query="dogs">
<CFIF ( DateDiff("d", Now(), Dogs.birthday ) ) GT 195 >
Older than 6 months ( #DateDiff("d", Now(), Dogs.birthday )# days)
Younger than 6 months ( #DateDiff("d", Now(), Dogs.birthday )# days)
</CFIF><BR />
More info on DateDiff